Main » 2018 » March » 23 » Toys and your cat
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Toys and your cat

Your cat is as lazy as she is playful, and you want to make sure you have plenty of activities available to her each and every time she decides that she’s ready to get up and have some fun.

For this to happen, you will likely need some toys in your home. Make sure you choose a few different options that will keep her interested in playtime. This will likely include some that mimic her natural instincts, some that are new to her, some she can use on her own, and some she can use with the rest of the family. To make sure she doesn’t get bored with her toy options, consider implementing a toy rotation so even the toys she has had for a while will seem like new when pulled out again. Your local professional veterinarian Livonia MI can offer additional guidance.

Views: 378 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Livonia MI | Rating: 5.0/1
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