Main » 2015 » March » 5 » Things Cats Hate
5:19 AM
Things Cats Hate

Cats hate dirty, stinky litter boxes, so it is vital that you clean your cat’s box often. Some cats also have litter box preferences, so be willing to put in the extra time and effort to find a box that your cat wants to use.

Cats hate it when you pet them too hard. They also hate it when you pet them when they don’t want to be petted. Look at your cat’s ears to gauge his feelings. If his ears start to tilt, you had better stop before you get bitten or scratched.

They also hate loud noises and commotion, so do your best to keep things nice and quiet. If you’re expecting some loud noises, find a quiet place for your cat to rest until all the commotion is over.

Hats also hate feeling ill, so make sure you schedule regular appointments with your veterinarian Indianapolis. Or visit this link to know more.

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