Main » 2015 » September » 14 » The Best Time to Pet a Cat
0:19 AM
The Best Time to Pet a Cat

Petting a cat is a lot of fun, and it actually has medical benefits as well. Plus, it can be a great experience for your furry friend too! Unfortunately, cats can be a bit finicky, which means you should be careful when you provide your cat with attention.

Some cats are friendlier than others, so understanding your cat’s personality is extremely important. If your cat generally has a cheerful demeanor, you’ll likely be able to approach your cat whenever you feel like it. However, some cats are a bit more moody.

If your cat is moody, you’ll have to wait until she approaches you for a little attention. If you approach her and she’s not in the mood, you may end up getting scratched or bitten. Plus, you’ll both leave feeling stressed.

For more information on petting a cat the right way, call your vet Simpsonville, SC.

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