Main » 2017 » March » 15 » Taking Care of Your Cat When You're Pregnant
7:56 AM
Taking Care of Your Cat When You're Pregnant

You’re likely making a lot of changes now that you know you’re pregnant. You have to worry about your diet and level of exercise, but you also have to worry about taking care of your pet. Here’s how your chores will change if you have a cat at home.

It isn’t a good idea for pregnant women to scoop the litter box. That’s because cat waste can carry a parasite called toxoplasmosis. It can make you sick, but it can also affect your growing baby. It can cause serious birth defects that include eye and brain damage.

The good news is that your chances of contracting the parasite are low if your cat doesn’t go outside. In addition, if you’ve grown up around cats, you likely have an immunity that you will pass on to your unborn child.

Don’t scoop the box just to be safe. To learn more, call your veterinary clinic Colorado Springs, CO.

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