Main » 2015 » October » 19 » Switching Your Ferret's Food
4:27 AM
Switching Your Ferret's Food

Just like any pet, switching diets should be done slowly to avoid problems. Gradually changing your pet ferret’s diet will give his body enough time to get used to a new and healthier diet.

Start by placing a few morsels of the new food on your hand and offering it to your pet. A few bites of the new food for several days will allow him to get used to the taste. Also, since you are offering food from your hand, he is likely to believe that this food is a treat, and it is special.

As your ferret gets used to the taste of the new food, start switching it with his current food. Mix 75% of his current diet with 25% of the new food. Then increase the new food while lowering the current food (50/50 mixture); then 25% of the old food with 75% of the new food. Increase the amount of new food gradually until such time that the ferret’s entire ration is composed of the new food.

Know more about your pet’s dietary needs by calling your Scottsdale, AZ veterinarian.  Check out this website for more pet care tips.

Views: 443 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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