Main » 2017 » July » 14 » Swelling and Pressure in your Shar Pei’s Eye
9:30 AM
Swelling and Pressure in your Shar Pei’s Eye

Eye injuries can be common in dogs of all sizes including the Shar Pei. It’s a good practice to call your vet immediately if you notice your pup has inflamed, irritated, or red eyes. Sometimes the injury will be minor and require little attention. Other times there could be swelling that may cause the eye to bulge or appear to be coming out of the socket. This could happen as a result of an injury to the eye or an injury or illness inside your pup’s head. In this situation, you should take your Shar Pei to the vet or an emergency vet clinic immediately. Pressure from an injury or illness can buildup behind the eye causing extensive swelling and giving the eye the appearance of popping out. Your best veterinarians Carmel, IN will need to determine the cause of the eye swelling and relieve the pressure as soon as possible.

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