Main » 2015 » September » 16 » Stages of Puppy Development
12:36 PM
Stages of Puppy Development

Puppies go through 5 stages of development process. In order to meet your pup’s needs adequately and mold him into a well-socialized and well-disciplined pet, you should have a clear idea of each distinct stage.

Neonatal Period (0-2 weeks)

From the day puppies are born until they are 2 weeks of age, they only possess the sense of taste and touch. They are totally dependent on their mother for their survival and comfort.

Transitional Stage (2-4 weeks)

The puppies’ sense of hearing and smell develops, as their puppy teeth come through. Their eyes will also begin to open. At this stage, they will start interacting with their littermates.

Stage 3 (3-12 weeks)

Most experts consider this stage as the most important in a puppy’s development. Critical changes also occur during this time as puppies are weaned and brought home to new homes between 7-9 weeks of age.

Ranking Period (3-6 months)

If you have other dogs in the household, you will soon see your puppy practicing his dominance and submission skills, which he may also practice on you too.

Adolescence (6-18 months)

This is the final stage of puppy development. As your puppy becomes an adolescent, he will start producing hormones that will have a big influence in his behavior.

Bring your new puppy to your Arlington, TX veterinary clinic for regular wellness checks. Visit this website to know more about pets.

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