Main » 2016 » March » 13 » Sneezing in Persian Cats
9:48 AM
Sneezing in Persian Cats

Did you know that sneezing is pretty common in cats? Sneezing excessively; however, is not something that should be taken lightly. If you notice that your Persian is sneezing constantly then you may want to call your vet and schedule a routine appointment. Persians may sneeze when they get a tickle or irritation in their nose; however, consistent sneezing could signal allergies of some sort. For instance, just as humans are prone to allergic reactions so are cats. Pollen, dust mites, mold, ragweed, and other things in the air can cause allergies in Persians. Sneezing may also signal your cat’s encounter with irritants like household cleaners or smells left behind by mice or cockroaches. Frequent sneezing along with bad breath in cats over the age of 3 could signal gum disease or dental abscesses. Your vet will need to examine your Persian to find a cause. Let your The Animal Hospital of Lanesville know if you have noticed any other symptoms.

Views: 399 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: The Animal Hospital of Lanesville | Rating: 5.0/1
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