Main » 2017 » October » 25 » Severe Symptoms of Lyme Disease in Dogs
2:19 AM
Severe Symptoms of Lyme Disease in Dogs

Lyme disease is a tick borne illness that typically manifests in deer ticks. These ticks are known as B. burgdorferi carriers because of a bacteria they can carry. This bacteria can cause Lyme disease. Not all ticks are carriers and not all tick bites in your dog or in people will cause the disease. However, it’s important to watch your dog for ticks and bites and to report to your vet if anything out of the ordinary comes of the bite. For instance, a bullseye rash could develop. Your dog may also have symptoms of fever, lethargy, swelling in the joints and lymph nodes all of which call for immediate veterinarian care. In rare cases, severe symptoms have developed as a result of the disease including kidney disease. If your dog has tested positive for Lyme, make sure your best veterinarians Hiram, GA runs additional tests to determine kidney functions. Other severe symptoms include heart and nervous system disorders.

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