Main » 2016 » November » 25 » Senior Cats – Care Tips
8:29 AM
Senior Cats – Care Tips












Advancements in veterinary medicine have positively affected the longevity of cats. Optimum nutrition, lifestyle changes, excellent veterinary care, and developments in health and wellness of senior cats all contribute to cats living longer than ever.

Most cats become “seniors” when they’re about 10 years old. As they reach their twilight years, their bodies gradually slow down as an important consequence of years of wear and tear.

To help ensure that your cat remains healthy and comfortable during their senior years, proper care and management should start while they are still very young. A premium lifestage appropriate diet, regular dental checkups and wellness checks, adequate physical and mental stimulation, etc. are equally important in keeping your cat healthy. Keeping your pet’s weight within healthy limits is also very important. If you have any questions and/or concerns about your cat’s health and wellbeing, don’t hesitate to contact your Rochester, NY veterinarian. 

Views: 381 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Senior Cats – Care Tips | Rating: 0.0/0
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