Main » 2015 » November » 2 » Seizures in Chinese Hamsters
11:26 AM
Seizures in Chinese Hamsters

Did you know that hamsters are prone to seizures just like humans and other animals such as dogs and cats? If you own a Chinese hamster then you may want to talk to your veterinarian Aurora, CO about your hamster’s risk of seizures. Your vet can tell you that although hamsters are prone to seizures in similar ways to other animals, they do not show symptoms like other animals. For instance, if your Chinese hamster is walking around with his head tilted then he may be having a seizure. Your hamster will not necessarily go into convulsions or sporadic fits as other animals that’s why it’s important to always monitor your hamster’s behavior so you know what’s normal and what’s not. If you suspect your Chinese hamster is having a seizure, call your veterinarian right away. Seizures appear to be more common in Russian Dwarf hamsters and Campbell’s Dwarf hamsters.

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