Main » 2015 » September » 11 » Secret Professions of Cats: Inspiration to Writers
10:16 AM
Secret Professions of Cats: Inspiration to Writers

If you own a cat then you are probably familiar with her peculiar ways and her tendency to disappear for hours on end. Your vet Gresham, OR can probably assure you that your cat is either out on the prowl or sleeping in her favorite napping spot. But what do cats really do when they wander off to enjoy their time of solitude? Well, they probably don’t do anything, but some professional writers have found that “nothingness” to be the perfect inspiration for a best-selling novel, poem, etc. For instance, French poet, novelist, and filmmaker Jean Cocteau was an avid cat lover who found his cats to be an inspiration for work and play. You may know Cocteau for his film Beauty and the Beast, Blood of a Poet, and Orpheus. In his down time; however, he founded a club in Paris called “Cat Friends Club” that had a membership pin and regularly supported cat shows. For more information, click here.

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