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11:28 AM
Secret Of A Successful Flea Preventive And Treatment Program

Flea prevention and treatment does not only include applying flea products on pets. It is a multi-pronged approach that targets all the stages in the lifecycle of fleas in order to be effective. The lifecycle can take from 2-3 weeks but can last up to 6 months. There is a need to break this cycle to maintain a free environment. Just like any health issue, prevention is definitely better than cure. Adult fleas on dogs and cats feed on their blood and then begin to lay eggs. A female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day. These eggs drop off anywhere in the environment, in the carpet, bedding, nooks, crannies, and crevices. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae are released; they move away from light to develop into pupae, feeding on organic materials. It is during this time that they can ingest tapeworms eggs and become an intermediate host for tapeworms. Most flea products are formulated to target only specific stages of the lifecycle. Thus, you should work closely with your vet South West Fort Wayne, IN in creating a flea preventive and treatment program that can target all the lifestages and protect your pet all throughout the year. 

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