Main » 2015 » September » 14 » Scratched Eye in Donkeys
2:30 PM
Scratched Eye in Donkeys

Eye injuries can happen quite often in donkeys. They aren’t rare, but they shouldn’t be taken lightly. Always call your veterinarian Four Oaks, NC if you notice that your donkey has a puffy, swollen eye. If your vet suspects a scratch to the eye he will most likely stain the eye to reveal any type of scratch. The stain will leave a green discharge in your donkey’s eye. The discharge may also exit through your donkey’s nose, which is quite common. Once the scratch is identified, the vet may prescribe drops or ointment to treat the pain and the scratch. Ointment is most common and may need to be applied four to six times a day. In some cases an additional ointment is prescribed to dilate the eye and relieve pain. If this is the case, make sure you keep your donkey’s eye covered with a bandage or fly mask. See details here.

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