Main » 2015 » October » 22 » Scooting In Cats Or Dogs
3:22 AM
Scooting In Cats Or Dogs

Have you noticed your pet dragging his behind across the ground or floor? Chances are your pet has an anal sac problem. Dogs tend to display the behavior more commonly than cats. Since the animal usually uses his two front paws to propel himself while dragging his backside, some owners get worried because they think their pet has injured his hind limbs. Without proper veterinary attention, the problem can worsen, becoming extremely painful.

The anal sacs of dogs and cats are located near the opening of the anus. These are paired glands that contain a strong-smelling secretion which is released as fecal material passes by the glands during elimination. The anal gland secretion gives poop its characteristic scent.

Problems usually start when there is an infection of the anal glands. Pain and discomfort may also be present when the glands get blocked, causing the animal to seek relief by scooting across the floor.

Bring your pet to your San Jose, CA veterinary clinic for a thorough checkup, diagnosis, and treatment. Find out more pet care info on this site.

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