Main » 2014 » July » 2 » Protecting your Cat from Hairballs
3:16 PM
Protecting your Cat from Hairballs

Cats spend a good part of their day grooming. This practice increases their risks of ingesting large amounts of hair, and subsequently formation of hairballs in the stomach. To decrease the chances of having hairballs in the stomach, your best bet is to groom your feline pet regularly using grooming tools that are designed for cats. Daily brushing helps remove hairs that can otherwise be swallowed when the cat grooms itself.

You can also take your cat to visit a professional groomer once every six months, if you don’t have time to groom your pet regularly.

Many manufacturers of cat food products have come up with a special formula that contains high amounts of fibers to promote smooth passage of digested food along the digestive tract, as well as elimination of hairballs from the stomach.

Know more about your cat’s grooming needs by bringing your feline pet to a veterinary clinic Aurora. Here’s more information on this website.

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