Main » 2017 » July » 3 » Proper Handling of Chinchillas to Prevent Fur Slip
10:08 PM
Proper Handling of Chinchillas to Prevent Fur Slip

Fur slip in chinchillas occurs when large clumps of hair come out when held tightly. It is generally associated with stressful situations in which the animal is trying to escape potential threats.

Proper handling of a pet chinchilla is an important way to prevent fur slip. The proper way to hold a chin is to grasp the animal at the base of the tail, right where the tail attaches to the body. Doing so will encourage the animal to sit on your hand while you keep your grip on his tail. This will prevent you from squeezing his body. When you hold him around the chest or abdomen, he may try his best to wiggle out of your grasp, which can eventually be followed by a fur slip.

However, a chinchilla that is used to handling and regular human interaction while still very young, may tolerate being gently held in this manner.

Chinchillas can develop a variety of health issues, thus your pet will benefit from regular wellness checks at your Cherry Hill, NJ vet hospital. Visit website for more information.

Views: 436 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Cherry Hill NJ vet, veterinarian Cherry Hill NJ | Rating: 5.0/1
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