Main » 2017 » March » 24 » Picking Up Your Pet Mouse Properly
6:14 AM
Picking Up Your Pet Mouse Properly

Mice are fairly fragile so you need to handle your pet carefully so he isn’t injured. He could even die if you drop him. Thus you need to learn to pick up your mouse properly. Help your mouse get comfortable with you by sitting close while talking or singing to him. Drape your hand in the cage for your mouse to explore and practice hand feeding him. Once you are ready to pick up your mouse, act quickly and efficiently. Use one hand to scoop him up and cover him with the other so he doesn’t wriggle away. Put him down wherever you’re going to play with him quickly. Never pick your mouse up by a limb, his tail or the scruff of the neck since these methods could injure your mouse. Always supervise your mouse whenever he is outside his enclosure. For more information, contact your Riverside County, CA veterinarian.

Views: 453 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Care Center | Rating: 0.0/0
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