Main » 2018 » March » 30 » Picking Up Your Cat
2:47 PM
Picking Up Your Cat

Picking up your cat seems to be a pretty simple procedure but there are a few things that will avoid hurting her or making her angry. The first step is to ensure that your cat wants to be picked up. If she is yowling with a crouching posture or pinned back ears, she wants to be left alone. Follow this instinct to avoid getting scratched or bitten unless there is an emergency. If she is purring and rubbing against your legs, she probably is okay with being picked up. Place one hand under your cat’s chest just behind her front legs. Use your other hand and lower arm under her belly to support her back end. After lifting your cat, pull your cat close to you or put her on a safe surface. Keep your cat parallel to the ground to support her well. For more information, give your vet clinic East College Park, Saskatchewan a call.

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