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7:33 PM
Picking Up Your Cat

Your cat can be injured or you can anger her if you don’t pick her up properly. First determine whether your cat wants to be picked up. Unless it is an emergency, look for signs of a content, friendly cat such as purring, an erect tail and interest in you. A crouched cat with pinned back ears who is hissing is telling you to leave her alone. Heed this message. Act efficiently when you are ready to pick up your cat. Use one hand under her chest just behind the front legs. Use the other hand and arm to scoop her up under her belly. Keep your cat horizontal and be prepared to put her down on a safe surface. Never pick up your cat by a limb, the scruff of the neck, her tail or even by her front legs as you would a human child. For more information, contact your experienced vet clinic Crown Point IN.

Views: 453 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic crown point in | Rating: 5.0/1
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