Main » 2015 » November » 5 » Pet Cats Still Possess Strong Predator Instincts
3:51 AM
Pet Cats Still Possess Strong Predator Instincts

Even if cats have been domesticated for thousands of years, they still possess a strong instinct to hunt. So even if there are no mice or other live preys around, your kitty will engage in “prey-play”, pouncing at anything that catches his fancy and prowling every nook and cranny of the house.

While the behavior cannot be fully erased or eliminated, you can divert your cat’s attention by enriching his environment. Install cat furniture that encourages your pet to engage in natural behavior, such as cat trees and kitty condos. You can also hang prey toys in strategic places around the house to give your furball hours of fun and stimulation. Play prey-games with your pet by dangling a toy mouse or feather tied at the end of a string.

Be sure to have your cat checked by a Mt. Pleasant, SC veterinary clinic. Check out this site for more information.

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