Main » 2016 » March » 4 » Peruvian Guinea Pigs and Sneezing
9:17 AM
Peruvian Guinea Pigs and Sneezing

Do you own a Peruvian guinea pig? If so, have you ever heard him sneeze or cough on occasion? Peruvian guinea pigs are known to both sneeze and cough, but it should not happen excessively. If your Peruvian is sneezing on a routine basis, give your vet a call and schedule an exam to find out if your cavy has a cold. It’s important to note if your guinea pig has any other symptoms such as watery eyes, runny nose, or a persistent cough. Additional symptoms are important for your vet to make an accurate diagnosis. You should also take note of what kind of bedding you’re using for your Peruvian guinea pig as he may be allergic or it may be dusty. Also take note of any air fresheners or deodorizers that are in your home as these could cause your guinea pig’s sneezing as well. Talk with your vet Milwaukie, OR for more information.

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