Main » 2016 » March » 11 » Parakeets and the Art of Dancing
6:28 AM
Parakeets and the Art of Dancing

Encouraging your parakeet to exercise can help keep your parakeet happy and healthy. Physical and mental stimulation is a great way to help your parakeet stay focused while also burning off excessive energy. If you’re not sure how to exercise your Parakeet, give your vet a call for tips and ideas. One of the ways parakeets like the Parakeet like to exercise is through dancing. Parakeets typically enjoy listening to a variety of music. Your Parakeet probably has his own favorite songs or rhythms. Play your Parakeet’s favorite kind of music and try to get him to dance on his own or with you. Some parakeet owners recommending having children dance in front of the cage to encourage the parakeet to get excited and move around. Of course you should always supervise your children while dancing with the parakeet. Call your veterinarian Louisville, CO for additional tips.

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