Main » 2016 » March » 7 » Night Vision in American Curls
6:55 AM
Night Vision in American Curls

Did you know that cats like the American Curl have better night vision than humans? The American Curl and other cat breeds can even see better than dogs when it comes to night vision. Dogs, for instance, can see about five times better in the dark than humans. Cats on the other hand have much better night vision and are able to see at least six times better in dimmer surroundings. How does this work? In general, the retina in a cat’s eye is different than the retina of a human. For instance, the layer of tissue at the back of the eye that contains photoreceptors known as cones and rods is different for cats. Cats have a much higher concentration of rod receptors and lower concentration of cone receptors. This enables them to see more light, but less color at night. Talk to your vet Clive, IA to learn more about the way you American Curl’s eyes operate.

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