Main » 2016 » March » 3 » Natural Dog Behaviors
1:16 AM
Natural Dog Behaviors

Dogs have a lot of behaviors that come from instincts passed to them by their wild ancestors. To have dogs live in our homes, we need to understand these instincts and how much we can eliminate the accompanying behavior or those we need to just accept. Dogs are predators so they have many behaviors related to hunting and taking down game. This can cause territorial issues but also makes your dog loyal to you and your family who are all part of his new pack. Housetraining issues can result from territorial marking as well. Dogs are busy running around, digging, chasing and a number of other behaviors that are unsuitable for human homes. These are behaviors that can be controlled somewhat but allowing your dog to be a dog when outside the home can make it easier for him to control himself when in the home. Contact your West Mobile, AL vet to learn more.

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