Main » 2016 » March » 29 » My Standard Poodle Dog Ate a Crayon
4:37 AM
My Standard Poodle Dog Ate a Crayon

Dogs of just about all breeds have the insatiable desire to explore and get into things that don’t belong to them. For instance, your Standard Poodle may decide that she wants to check out the crayons left on the counter by your children. If you find your pup has eaten a crayon or at least suspect he has due to the empty crayon paper hanging from his mouth, call your vet. You should also check the crayon paper or box to find out if the crayons are non-toxic (most should be, but check anyway). Your vet may also suggest that you closely monitor your pup’s bowel movements. Dogs that eat crayons are typically fine; however, their poop may be especially colorful for a few days. Should your Standard Poodle develop abnormal poop or appear to have stomach pains, call your vet Plano, TX immediately to schedule an exam.

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