Main » 2017 » July » 13 » Moving With Pets
8:49 PM
Moving With Pets

For many families, their pets are valuable members of the family and when there is a need to move to a new home, the safe and comfort of pets are included in the planning and preparation. Precautionary measures should be undertaken to ensure that the move will be as smooth as possible for everyone.


Moving can be very stressful for everyone in the family, humans and pets alike. But always remember that planning and preparation well ahead of time won’t thoroughly eliminate the possibility of last minute hassles and problems.


Unfortunately, there are many pets that are turned over to shelters and even abandoned by their owners because they find it difficult to bring their pets to a new home or place, or their circumstances have changed and they find it hard to meet their pet’s needs adequately.  There are also housing facilities that don’t allow pets.


It’s a good idea to bring your pet to your Leesburg, VA animal hospital before moving to have his health and vaccination records updated.

Views: 361 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Care center | Rating: 0.0/0
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