Main » 2016 » March » 29 » Mosquitoes and Black Labs
1:36 AM
Mosquitoes and Black Labs

As the warmer months approach the number of mosquitoes and other flies will increase. It’s important to protect your Black Lab from mosquitoes and other biting gnats and flies as some insect bites can cause illnesses. Mosquitoes can transmit parasitic diseases such as the West Nile Virus, Eastern equine encephalitis and systemic lupus erythematosus to people and animals. Black Labs are not as susceptible to these diseases; however, they can contract heart worms from mosquito bites. Signs that your Black Lab may have a mosquito bite include excessive scratching, swelling, altered breathing or vision and even little bumps appearing on the Black Lab’s skin. Signs of possible heartworm infection include fatigue, coughing, enlarged abdomen, vomiting and weight loss. Ways to prevent mosquito bites and possible disease include keeping your yard free of standing water and giving your Black Lab monthly heartworm prevention medication. Talk with your veterinarian Frisco, TX for more details.

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