Main » 2015 » September » 8 » Monitoring The Temperature In Your Pet Snake's Enclosure
12:38 PM
Monitoring The Temperature In Your Pet Snake's Enclosure

Maintaining the right temperature inside the enclosure of a pet snake is essential to the animal’s health and wellbeing. They need a warm environment to promote better digestion and make them more active. Cold temperatures can make them very lethargic and prone to a variety of health problems, including respiratory problems.

If your snake suddenly loses its appetite, try to check the temperature in its enclosure. If temperatures in the basking area and the cold part of the enclosure are below 70F throughout the day, chances are your pet’s enclosure is just too cold for comfort. You may need to install another source of heat or increase the wattage of the bulbs being currently used. You can also use under-tank heaters to provide supplemental heat, but take note that they won’t contribute much to maintaining the enclosure’s ambient temperature.

Know more about how to take care of your pet's needs by visiting your vet clinic Niwot, CO.

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