Main » 2016 » September » 13 » Missing the Litter Box
7:10 AM
Missing the Litter Box

Your cat may miss using the litter box from time to time. It may take a little detective work to determine why your litter-trained cat stops using the box. It may be as simple as a dirty litter box. If the box is too dirty and stinky, your fastidious cat may choose to find a less appropriate place to go. Sometimes a stressed cat may be fearful and unwilling to make the journey to the litter box. Stress can be caused by the presence of new family members including other pets, houseguests or even construction workers inside or around your home. Even moving the furniture around can cause stress. Missing the litter box may also be a sign of illness. Observe your cat and if you can’t find an easy answer to why she is missing the litter box, make an appointment with your Mobile, AL vet for evaluation and treatment. Click here for details,

Views: 444 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Cat care | Rating: 0.0/0
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