Main » 2016 » March » 15 » Malamutes and Pill Administration
3:18 AM
Malamutes and Pill Administration

Does your Malamute have difficulty taking pills? If so, contact your vet and ask about ways to administer pills to your Malamute. Sometimes daily vitamins, heartworm prevention medicines or even antibiotics come in pill form. If you have to give a pill to your pup you might want to place it in a treat or a “pill pocket” which is a soft treat that has a place inside where you can hide the pill. You can also try mixing the pill in your Malamute’s food or even covering it with peanut butter before giving it to him. If disguising the pill doesn’t work, you may need to place the pill in your dog’s mouth yourself. Ask your vet to demonstrate the correct way to place the pill in your Malamute’s mouth. If you still have trouble, simply ask your veterinary clinic Glenwood Springs, CO if a chewable or liquid form of medication is available.

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