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5:24 AM
Litter box and litter choices

Your cat needs a litter box set up and ready to go when she arrives in your home, and you want your new addition to be comfortable utilizing the options you choose. How can you find the right litter and litter box to meet her needs?

Your pet needs you to determine what her needs are prior to purchasing either of these. They tend to go hand in hand, so taking the time to do some research before you head to the store can make a big difference. For the litter box, you will want an appropriate size that will allow her to concentrate on the task at hand without distractions. You want a litter that is made for the litter box style you’ve chosen. It should be inviting to your pet, and not get stuck in her paw pads. Your local Marietta, GA vet clinic can offer additional advice. Visit website to know more.

Views: 391 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Marietta GA | Rating: 5.0/1
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