Main » 2016 » March » 26 » Life with a Quaker Parrot that has Seizures
8:52 AM
Life with a Quaker Parrot that has Seizures

It is not uncommon for birds like the Quaker parrot, budgies, Amazon parrot, African grey, finches, lovebirds and other species to have a seizure. Even though it’s common, it’s still not normal and your parrot should be examined by your vet right away. If your parrot has had seizures in the past then you should be cautious of signs that another seizure is coming. For instance, symptoms may include excessive flapping of wings, confusion, falling from perch, convulsions, and involuntary body movements. Some of these things will happen during the seizure while others could happen beforehand signaling the approach of a seizure. Even if your parrot is already being treated for these episodes, call your vet to inform him of the new activity. Your vet may have already instructed you to record the episodes in a journal as well. Monitoring activity and changes can help your vet Coronado, CA determine if medication or other treatment needs to be adjusted. To know more, visit this website.

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