Main » 2017 » October » 31 » Keeping Your Cat Safe with Identification
8:26 AM
Keeping Your Cat Safe with Identification

Whether your cat lives indoors or outdoors, she may slip outside and get lost. The surest way to get your cat back fast is to make sure she has identification on her at all times. Ensure she wears a breakaway collar with an identification tag. This gives anyone who finds her your contact information to return your cat. The breakaway feature ensures that the collar will come off if she gets caught on a branch or other permanent item rather than strangling your cat. A collar also is a clear indicator that your pet is not a stray. Microchipping your cat is a good idea too. A microchip is inserted under the skin. When scanned, the chip provides a number that leads to your contact information and thus your cat can be returned to you. A combination of both of these forms of identification works best for most families. Contact your Roanoke, VA vet to learn more.

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