Main » 2016 » March » 26 » Keeping Your Cat from Bullying Your Dog
11:49 AM
Keeping Your Cat from Bullying Your Dog

When most people think of bullying behavior between pets, they usually envision the dog as the instigator and the cat as the poor creature being bullied. However, it’s just as likely that your cat is the bully!

If your cat regularly bullies your dog, he probably doesn’t feel safe and comfortable. Are there vertical spaces where he’s allowed, but the dog is not? If there aren’t places where your cat can truly relax, he may take out his frustrations on your dog.

Does your dog regularly invade your cat’s personal space? For example, does he love to bob in the litter box? It’s important that you keep this very private area private.

A kennel can keep your dog safe during the day while you’re gone. You can also consider shutting your cat in a room in your home. Your veterinarian Moorpark CA, the American Veterinary Hospital can provide you with more tips.

Views: 489 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Moorpark CA | Rating: 5.0/1
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