Main » 2016 » March » 10 » Keeping Your Cat from Biting
12:06 PM
Keeping Your Cat from Biting

Your cat is a hunter by nature so biting is a natural reaction. However, it is not something you want to tolerate in your home. Most bites start with a playful pounce or some stalking to indicate your cat is in hunting mode. Other times your cat may be irritated with what you are doing and will bite to make you stop. To prevent playful bites, never play with your cat using your hands or other body parts. Use an appropriate toy for your cat to bite and “kill” rather than your hand. If you cat lashes out in error, quickly redirect her to the toy to train her for future interactions. If you are annoying your cat while grooming her or petting her when she doesn’t want you to, there will be body language telling you to stop. Pay attention and listen carefully to these warnings. For more information, contact your South Miami, FL vet.

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