Main » 2018 » March » 14 » Keeping your cat entertained indoors
12:16 PM
Keeping your cat entertained indoors

Your cat spends a lot of time in your home, and you know that while this area is nice, it is a limited amount of space for her to call her own. How can you keep her entertained while indoors?

Your pet needs you to think about what she needs from you for care, as well as what she would like to do with her free time. A lot of her time will be spent meeting her needs, so make a point to have everything she needs available to her in order to make this happen. In addition to this, you should have suitable activities for her to come across around your living space. Leave a few toys out for her to play with, and consider leaving other areas of interest open, like a nice spot in front of a window for her to watch the world go by. For additional information, please talk with your local vet Cleveland, TN.

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