Main » 2016 » November » 24 » Is your pet dog taking NSAIDs?
12:49 PM
Is your pet dog taking NSAIDs?

Non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are usually prescribed in dogs for pain relief. But its use has been linked to side effects that can potentially have a harmful effect on the dog’s health and wellbeing. As a safety precaution, many veterinarians perform tests, including a complete physical, to assess the risk factors of the patient. Take note though, that passing these tests does not always mean that your dog won’t develop side effects to NSAIDs use.

Overdosing is very common in NSAIDs use in dogs. Some owners think that giving twice the dose prescribed by the veterinarian can make their pet’s pain go away faster. Considering the potential side effects of NSAIDs use, it is always important for pet owners to follow the veterinarian’s instructions down to the letter.

Also, NSAIDs or any other type of medication should be kept out of your pet’s reach to prevent accidental ingestion. There are NSAIDs which are flavored to make them more appealing.  If you notice any issues exhibited by your pet after NSAIDs administration, you should stop giving it and call your veterinarian North Phoenix, AZ.

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