Main » 2017 » March » 18 » Is your cat sleeping a lot?
10:38 AM
Is your cat sleeping a lot?

Your cat loves to play, and she also enjoys when mealtime comes around. However, there are few things she takes as much joy in as sleeping. In fact, she can usually be found napping somewhere in your home at any given point in time. How can she possibly sleep so much?

While your individual pet may be quite used to living within your home, cats in general are still outfitted for time in the wild. This means that your pet is designed for fending for herself, and caring for her needs on her own. She sleeps to make sure she has the energy to meet her needs as they arise. The unpredictability of a wild life causes her to be ready for action at any moment. Your local Greensboro, NC vet clinic can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

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