Main » 2015 » September » 22 » Is Your Cat Insecure?
9:16 AM
Is Your Cat Insecure?

Cats thrive in an environment where they feel they are safe and secure. When this blanket of security seems to be breached, a cat can develop a lot of behavior problems. Not all insecure cats hide in a corner or under the bed. Some display aggressive behavior as a way to compensate for their feelings of insecurity.

Major signs of insecurity in cats


Some insecure cats develop aggressive tendencies, in an effort to make up for their feelings of insecurity.  Cats that are always hissing and scratching may not actually be angry or mean, they may just be scared and anxious.

Potty Issues

Eliminating in various spots around the house other than the litter box is a classic sign of insecurity in cats. Cats spray urine on objects and places around the house to place their mark and show ownership. When a kitty feels threatened about his territory, he may start marking everything.

Bring your pet to your Lafayette LA animal hospital for a regular wellness check. Click here to know more about your pet's needs and set an appointment.

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