Main » 2015 » November » 26 » Is Your Cat Aloof and Unfriendly?
9:32 PM
Is Your Cat Aloof and Unfriendly?

Cats are generally friendly and affectionate with their owners; however they may seem to be distant at times. If your usually friendly cat suddenly gives you a cold shoulder, you should try to pay attention.

One important reason for a cat’s hostile behavior towards his owner is the arrival of a new baby or a new spouse. Cats hate any change in the household routine and the arrival of a new baby or a new spouse can certainly have a profound effect on everybody’s routine.

The change in routine can stress your kitty and you will soon find him giving you the cold shoulder, trying his best to avoid interacting with you or the rest of the household. The best way to deal with the matter is to create more opportunities for interaction and play with your furball. This will make him realize that nothing has really changed.

You can ask your Hinesville, GA vet for more pet care tips. Click here to know more. 

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