Main » 2017 » July » 16 » Is My Sable Ferret at Risk for Heartworms?
6:14 AM
Is My Sable Ferret at Risk for Heartworms?

You should always assume that your Sable ferret is at risk for heartworm disease simply because there is no way of determining if one ferret is at risk more than another. Heartworm disease travels through mosquitoes and know no difference between animal species. These worms can attack dogs, cats, and even ferrets. Heartworm disease has been diagnosed in all regions of the U.S. so no matter what state you live in there’s been a confirmed presence of heartworms. With this is mind, you should always have your ferret tested for heartworms at his annual veterinary exam. In addition, your Sable ferret should also be on a monthly heartworm prevention program. If you’re not sure if your ferret is on the program or has been tested for heartworms, please call and check with your vet. Heartworms can be fatal in ferrets. If your ferret tests positive for heartworms, your veterinarian Marion, IA will need to start aggressively treating your ferret. Click here.

Views: 379 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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