Main » 2017 » October » 4 » Is Grape Pomace Toxic To Dogs ?
5:31 AM
Is Grape Pomace Toxic To Dogs ?

A lot of pet food products contain grape seed extract and grape pomace because of their excellent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants improve the body’s immune system, delay aging and even fight free radicals.

Grape pomace, which was extracted and dried from grape skin and seed, can be fed to dogs. It is considered safe for dogs to consume grape pomace because the toxic substance associated with renal failure in dogs is found in the flesh, which is removed in the making of grape pomace. Consuming the whole grape or even raisins can be an important cause of fatal renal failure in dogs; but the seed and skin of grapes are considered safe.

Moreover, pet food manufacturers include antioxidants in their products because of the benefits derived from antioxidants. Quercetin, rosemary extracts, green tea, and mixed tocopherols has also antioxidant properties which are also included in pet foods.

You should call your licensed vets Aurora CO if your pet has eaten grapes or raisins.

Views: 881 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vets Aurora CO | Rating: 5.0/1
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