Main » 2015 » September » 25 » Introducing Your Cat to a Stranger
8:26 AM
Introducing Your Cat to a Stranger

When it comes to introducing a cat to a new cat or a dog, most people understand that you should proceed with caution. However, you should also proceed cautiously if you’re introducing your cat to a new person.

Cat personalities vary widely. If your cat is generally very easygoing and relaxed, you probably don’t have to worry about introductions. Unfortunately, skittish or anxious cats are a different story.

If your cat is skittish, make sure you instruct the newcomer to leave the cat alone right at first. It may take a few visits before your cat is willing to come out and meet the newcomer.

Allow your cat to smell the visitor. If your cat rubs up against his hand, it’s safe for your friend to pet your cat. If your cat hisses or turns away, your friend will have to try petting your cat at a later time.

Call your vet Greensboro, NC for more help.

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