Main » 2017 » March » 17 » Interesting Facts About Dogs
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Interesting Facts About Dogs

Even if you have always enjoyed the company of a dog ever since you can remember, there are still little known facts that you may not know yet about your canine buddy.

Do you know that many dogs see a smile as an act of aggression? More so if the smile shows your teeth! Dogs don’t express their happiness with their mouths like people do; instead, they wag their tails to greet and show positive emotions. When dogs show or bare their teeth, it is often a defensive or aggressive act.

People possess a more sensitive sense of vision than dogs; it is easier for dogs to see an object that is moving rather than one that’s stationary. If you want to see if your dog’s vision is not that clear at a considerable distance, stand at least 300 yards away from your pet and keep still; it is unlikely that he will be able to notice you. Moving or waving your arms will make you visible to your dog.

Dogs have a well-developed sense of smell; in fact, it is over a thousand times more sensitive than that of humans. The part of the canine brain that is responsible for processing smell is four times bigger than in people.

For more information about your pet’s needs visit your experienced veterinary clinic Marietta, GA.

Views: 456 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinary clinic Marietta GA | Rating: 5.0/1
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