Main » 2018 » March » 7 » Important Predisposing Factors Of Hip Dysplasia
5:07 PM
Important Predisposing Factors Of Hip Dysplasia

Hip Dysplasia is indeed a painful and crippling disease that is caused by inflammation and decreased mobility and flexibility. Aside from being an age-related problem, hip dysplasia can also be a congenital problem or it can also be a consequence of obesity. Most often, when a dog with hip dysplasia mates with another dysplastic dog, the offspring has a very high risk of developing the problem. If your dog has a hereditary risk for the condition, puppies should be given the proper nutrition and have adequate exercise. A dog that is obese has an increased risk of developing hip dysplasia. The growth rate of predisposed puppies should be controlled because fast growth rate can create orthopedic problems that may lead to hip dysplasia. Since most types of puppy food contain extra protein, vitamins, and minerals to support the growth and development of puppies, you should consult your best vet Volga, SD for a special food formula that will promote a gradual rate in growth.

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