Main » 2015 » November » 23 » I think my Chocolate Ferret’s Eye is Swollen
9:55 PM
I think my Chocolate Ferret’s Eye is Swollen

Ferrets are highly susceptible to eye injuries, eye diseases, and other conditions involving the eye. Due to their curious nature, they often find themselves in predicaments that involve a fight or accidental injury. If your Chocolate ferret’s eye or eyes appear to be swollen, call your vet. A swollen eye could be the result of an injury, debris or trash in the eye, or even an underlying illness. Most ferrets tend to have a variety of eye related problems including cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy, Uveitis, Lymphoma and other injuries related to trauma.

Your veterinarian will most likely want to see your ferret right away. Due to the small nature of a ferret’s eyes, surgery is nearly impossible. In some instances, your veterinarian San Rafael, CA  may simply treat your ferret to keep him comfortable. Although blindness may follow an eye injury, ferret owners have reported their ferrets to live normal lives even without their vision. Visit the given link to get more information.

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