Main » 2015 » November » 10 » I think my Abyssinian Guinea Pig's Eye is Swollen
4:05 AM
I think my Abyssinian Guinea Pig's Eye is Swollen

Your veterinary clinic Manalapan, NJ can tell you that Abyssinian guinea pigs can often get debris from food or bedding in their eyes. You should call your vet if this happens as your cavy’s eye will most likely swell up or get irritated. A swollen eye could also be an indication of something else going on with your cavy’s health. Always call your vet as soon as you notice anything out of the ordinary with your cavy’s eyes. Your vet may have you check your cavy’s eye for debris. If you see something that appears to be on the surface of the eye, you may be instructed to flush the eye with fresh water. If the object appears stuck in the eye, you will need to take your guinea pig in for an exam. If your guinea pig’s eye does not have debris in it; but instead, has a tear let your vet know immediately.

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