Main » 2016 » September » 5 » How to Diagnose Epilepsy in Pugs
11:58 PM
How to Diagnose Epilepsy in Pugs

If you own a canine like the Pug then you may be curious about different health conditions that could develop over the course of your pup’s lifetime.  Although not all dogs will develop serious illnesses in their lifetime, it’s important to learn about possible conditions in order to detect them early. Canine epilepsy, for instance, can occur in various breeds including the Pug. As with seizures in people, canine seizures are believed to be related to the miscommunication of neurons in the brain. Your vet may need to run a thorough examination of your Pug to diagnose his condition. You will need to provide your vet with a detailed health history of your dog. A physical and neurological exam of your dog may be required. Laboratory tests and X-rays are often part of the examination process. If a trigger or underlying cause can be determined then your veterinarian London, ON will prescribe treatment accordingly.

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