Main » 2017 » July » 14 » How Birds Can Get Head Injuries
9:31 AM
How Birds Can Get Head Injuries

When you think of pets getting injured, head injuries probably aren’t likely to come to mind. However, if you have a bird, head injuries are a real possibility. Here are a few ways that parrots can get a head injury.

Flying birds are at the most risk of sustaining a head injury. It’s easy for them to accidentally fly into a spinning fan, a sliding glass door, or a mirror. In addition, they can perch up high in your home and accidentally fall to the ground.

Clipping your bird’s wings can help reduce the possibility of head injuries, but it won’t eliminate them. Birds still like to sit on perches up high. While your feathered friend sleeps, he could be startled by a loud noise that sends him falling to the bottom of his cage.

If you think your bird has sustained a head injury, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian Fayetteville, NC right away.

Views: 456 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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